We’re working with Palo Alto College to bring a virtual project-based learning experience for young makers in the community. Together, we’ll explore those in our community who are working to keep us all afloat (ex: medical teams, grocery workers, city employees, emergency responders, food insecurity agencies and news teams) and learn how they are navigating these curious times. We’ll then breakout into individual sessions to learn and use maker tools to create individual projects that express appreciation to share those frontline workers and, on a website, dedicated to the campers’ gratitude projects.
Grades(Ages): Kindergartner-2nd (5-8)
Format: Live sessions via Zoom
Dates/Times: June 15 - 26 (M-F) from 10-11am
Registration deadline: Wednesday, June 10.
Contact: Erron Gonzalez – 210-486-3946
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/palo-alto-college-code-for-the-future-gratitude-project-k-2nd-grade-tickets-107091619918