We will be hosting a two-part virtual coding activity today. The lesson is best suited for 3rd-6th grade, but all K-12 students are welcome to participate.
Steps for the Butterfly Travels activity:
- Step 1: Download the activity sheet at bit.ly/youthcodebutterfly. They don’t need it, but some may find it helpful.
- Step 2: Watch the pre-recorded video of the lesson at https://www.youthcodejam.org/virtual-learning. Students can follow along with the video, pausing and rewinding as they need.
- Step 3: Get ready for the live Q&A session. An adult needs to install the Zoom app on the student’s device. The app can be downloaded at https://zoom.us/download.
- Step 4: Join us at 4pm on Tuesday, March 17, for the live Q&A at https://zoom.us/j/500100706?pwd=S0tHSzRFckgxNlkzNmNpVzFiOGZuUT09
Some tips for using Zoom:
- Since this will be a public space, we recommend only using the student’s first name or a nickname. Please don’t include a last name when prompted for a display name on entering the Q&A session.
- This is a conference app, so it will ask permission to use your camera and microphone. Use what you are comfortable with or have access to. There is an instant message feature that students can use to communicate with use if a camera or microphone is not available.