Free Basketball-Inspired Coding Lessons with Youth Code Jam
Join Spurs Give and Youth Code Jam this week for a brand, new basketball-inspired coding program, supported by Conn’s HomePlus, aimed to help students learn and advance computer skills while homebound. The free, four-week course kicks off Wednesday, June 3, with an introductory game available in both English and Spanish. We'll use MIT’s Scratch to teach children ages five+ how to build a computer game and introduce them to coding, the ultimate creativity tool.
Join us each week with new online coding lessons, live Q&A’s with Youth Code Jam instructors, and computational thinking activities. Students can register now for free at
Course Schedule
June 3: Kick off Game - Spurs Soap Bubbles Game
June 8-12: Rebounder Game - Code the basketball
June 15-19: Rebounder Game - Code the player
June 22-26: Rebounder Game - Adventure Mode, make your own game