Keeping Up with Your Coding in the Summer

The summer can be filled with so much fun. From swimming excursions, to music festivals, to nice cold shaved ice in the park, there is a lot to look forward to doing this time. The summer is also when we see students not keeping up with their coding skills. Keeping up with your coding skills in the summer is important so that students don’t forget and can keep honing in on those skills that they’ll need in the future. Here are some ways we recommend staying on top of your students coding this summer.

Challenge your kids with a coding goal

Having your kids set a coding challenge goal for the summer is a great way to motivate them to do some coding this summer. The goal can be as big or as detailed as they want it to be, they just need to do something they are interested in, otherwise it’s not fun. The challenge can be creating a detailed game on MakeCode Arcade or making art gallery on Kano Make Art. At the end of the summer, have a little showcase so they can show off what they’ve been working on.

Keep the coding sessions to a minimum

While we could love for kids to code all day long, that is an unreasonable ask when they want to be out doing fun summer things or playing with other kids. Instead, opt to dedicate at least 30 minutes on certain days that are best for their schedule, and take it from there. If they go beyond the 30 minutes, then more power to them! If they choose to just do the 30 minutes, then that’s fine, at least they are keeping their coding skills sharp.

Encourage coding in different places

The summer is a time to explore and get out of your normal routine, so why not take your coding to different places? Some kids thrive working at their desk, in their room, or at the dining room table, and that’s okay, but encouraging a change of scenery while they code can spark big ideas. You can code outside under a tree, by the pool, at the library, or a bench at the park. There are plenty of places to go when you need a little coding inspiration.

Try a coding club

There are plenty of coding clubs all over the U.S. and the world for that matter. Here in the San Antonio area, Youth Code Jam offers some fun summer coding camps for varying age groups. We even have a virtual club in case you live outside of the San Antonio area and want to join in on the fun from the comfort of your own home. Check out this list of camps you can find us at this summer.

Overall, it’s a good idea to keep your students' coding skills sharp in the summer, just like any other skill like reading, writing, and math. Just a small amount a day or a week can make a difference and keep their coding skills top-notch for the new school year.